Saturday, August 2, 2014


By Dr. Abid Bahar, 
Crimes against humanity and war crimes were committed in Arakan of Burma. Many international observers of Arakan are asking: What made Arakanese Rakhine population to unitedly fight against their Rohingya neighbors to its ongoing ethnic cleansing? Research shows it is their dream of establishing a Rakhine kingdom that was destroyed by Burmese king in 1784. It is the Rakhine war criminal’s sense of their ethnic identity over humanity that turns them into acting like monsters. It seems like the story of the former Yugoslavia revisits in Arakan again. After all we are all human beings with the darker side of our brain capable of causing death and destruction to our fellow beings. The Reakhine leadership sees Rohingyas in their dehumanized existence sees the Rohingyas as the intruders into Arakan and as the most dreadful enemy in their dream for an eventual independent Rakhine state.

The armed Arakan Liberation Party members run its operation from Bandorbon of Bangladesh
Historically speaking, Rakhine leadership is good at bluffing and alliance building. During the medieval period they through forming alliance with the Portuguese built a strong force in the Bay of Bengal, causing great distress to the Bengali people. It continued to be a menace for over two centuries. Indeed, historian Alamgir Serajuddin expresses rather bluntly the reasons behind the Arakan problem by saying, “The Arakanese [Rakhines] were a daring and turbulent people, a terror at once to themselves and to their neighbours. They fought among themselves and changed masters at will. Peace at home under a strong ruler signaled danger for neighbors.” In our contemporary period, the alliance has been built with the Buma having the excuse of their common Buddhist faith. The Rakhine leader Aye Kyaw even could successfully convinced the dictator Ne Win to constitutionally declare the Rohingya as the non-citizens of Burma.

From 1962 till today there are approximately 60 thousand Rohingya deaths and over a million Rohingya exterminated from their homeland Arakan. The atrocities still continues. The world cannot sit watching a bunch of Rakhine war criminals killing, raping women and razing Rohingya houses to the ground. Here we are identifying the war criminals: These criminal acts like turtle heads hide under the Burmese Burma shell. Well, now that we know their names, they can run but can’t hide. They have to face justice for their crimes. For now is the time to take them out from their safe hiding places. In the following we have identified top ten war criminals and their organizations.

RNDP and its sister organization “Wan-Thar-Nu-Rakkhita” Rakhine Patriotic association (a separatist group), Arakan liberation army, Arakan women’s organization and Rakhine exiled groups in Bangladesh are the leading organizations responsible for the war crimes in Arakan,


1. Aye Maung, master mind behind the Rohingya genocide is the Chairman of the RNDP.

"Dr. Aye Maung, a Bangladeshi by birth is Member of Parliament and chairman of the Rakhine Nationalities Development Party (RNDP) because in his interview with Venus News Journal on June 14, 2012, he said, “The Rakhine state should be established in the way Israel was initially established.”

"RNDP was formed comprising with the people of mass and class Rakhine fanatic, terrorists, religious faked monks, student union, women’s association, Rakhine cultural association, merchants, Karate youth club, and high level intellectuals who are working in government offices and harboring networks with those outsiders (local and international) who have involved full time activities under the direction of RNDP in this carnage trick.

"The party’s master-plan, it secretly organized Bengal Rakhine fanatics via RNDP’s network from Bangladesh, where nearly a million Bangladeshi Rakhine indigenous resides in accord U Aye Maung, the Rakhine RNDP party lets the Rohingyas villages and people from each township destroyed, burned, torched, killed and driven away from their original places for unknown, mysterious destination as internally displaced persons by Rakhine fanatic brought Bangladesh with a combined help of local Rakhine hooligans who are mostly Ra-Ma-La, ex-Rakhine liberation forces."

2. RNDP’s Secretary General, U-Oo-Hla-Saw.jpg
3. KO KO GYI, the big mouth anti Rohingya provocateur and his gang
4. U Hla Maung Tin rule the Rakhine state as the style of “mobo-cracy

"The entire Rakhine State administration was put into the hand of the mob, which included –Rakhine fanatic, armed terrorists, rude people, disguised yellow ribbon monks, secret police, merchant, karate association, so called educated man and women and so called intellectual academic, journalists, reporters and so on — by U Hla Maung Tin to rule Rakhine state as the style of “mobo-cracy” at this situation and which Nay-Pyay-Daw government is wait and see position.

"RNDP’s sister organization called “Wan-thar-nu-rakita” Rakhine Patriotic association of Taung-goup has lynched 10 Muslims religious pilgrims on 28 May, 2012—then posing a great threat to all over the Rakhine state to date. Though these people were lynched by three hundred people in front of the police, none of the perpetrators of the Ten Pilgrim has yet been arrested while it was widely known via Myanmar state owned media that some 300 or so armed Rakhine terrorist attacked them in front of police & security forces.

5. Rakhine state Hluttaw which is run by U Hla Maung Tin. Most policemen along the Rakhine state are involved. Most district and township administrative officers and staffers are also involved.

6. Saw Mra Zar Lin is the chairperson of the Rakhine Women Union (RWU) based in Bangladesh as well as a central committee member of Arakan Liberation Party(ALP).


7. Aye Chan, whose father was a Bangladeshi Buddhist coauthored a book identifying the Rohingyas as "Influx Virus" recommended that they are required to be exterminated.

“In recent months, there have been an increasing number of anti-Rohingya activities, including seminars in Rangoon and Arakan state organized by the RNDP and anti-Rohingya demonstrations,” Tun Khin, president of the Burmese Rohingya Organization UK, recently said in the British parliament.


8. Ashin Nayaka and "many Rakhine monks who engage in community riots asking for expulsion of national people and always instigating communal rampage rather than propagation of Buddhism in a monastery."

"In recent days, monks have emerged in a leading role to enforce denial of humanitarian assistance to Muslims, in support of policy statements by politicians," said Chris Lewa, director of the Arakan project, a regional NGO. "A member of a humanitarian agency in Sittwe told me that some monks were posted near Muslim displacement camps, checking on and turning away people they suspected would visit for assistance."

The Young Monks’ Association of Sittwe and Mrauk Oo Monks’ Association have both released statements in recent days urging locals not to associate with the group.


9. NaSaKa Chief Commander- Aung Gyi
10. Rakhine state Attorney General Hla Thein

Khaing-Soe-Naing-Aung of the Arakan Liberation party

11.The Rohingya killer Hmuu Zaw, of the security forces

The Burmese "regime imposed many restrictions on Rohingya marriage, travel, religious freedom, forced labor, etc. The Rohingya have been denied citizenship since the 1982 citizenship act was passed when the dictator Ne Win was in power. Two out of three lawmakers at the time of the 1982 citizenship act were Rakhines."


The mastermind of the Rohingya massacre Aye Maung of RNDP’s "parents only emigrated to Arakan state in 1953-54 from Bangladesh. If citizenship should be verified as he is a non-citizen Bengali-Magh,” said Htay Lwin Oo, an activist from the United States. There were many Buddhist settlers in Arakan state after the independence of Burma, but the regime never raised the issue because the agenda is only to drive out the Muslims. The Rakhine people are officially accepted as an ethnic people of Burma and in Bangladesh too, while Rohingyas are denied citizenship in Burma and recognized as refugees in Bangladesh".

Arakan Liberation Party (ALP). It is an armed group of Rakhines works from Bangladesh. "The Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), which was founded in 1968, struggling to get back its lost Kingdom, held meetings in Malaysia last year where an attendee asked a question about the struggles and aims of ALP, which wants an independent Arakan state. ALP’s struggle is not for federalism but for independence, ALP members told the Bangladesh-based Narinjara news agency. ALP and the Rakhine state government held peace talks early this year, but the two sides have still not reached a cease-fire agreement. A recent RNDP statement said, “The government and Rakhines must combine forces to lay down a security protocol for Rakhine state and the Rakhine people.” It seems that the RNDP wants to bring ALP’s forces into the region to oversee the Muslims."

Violence continues

Recently, "in Buthidaung Jail 43 dead bodies of Rohingyas were buried in a mass grave near the jail’s fencing on the 24th of July. They were tortured jointly by the Rakhine and jail’s authorities. There are over 500 Rohingya prisoners arrested from Maung Daw and Buthidaung recently, have been tortured and leaving without food and drink."
Similar concern of "Summary Execution In Buthidaung Prison", was raised by Burmese Rohingya Association in Thailand (BRAT) during a memorandum submission at Government House on the same day of Burmese Junta Thein Sein visit on 23 July 2012. The statement said,

"The information received from a prisoner who got released recently on Saturday- 22 July 2012 after completion of two years sentences, confirmed that there are 650 Rohingya detainees in a compound of Buthidaung Jail. 5 Rohingyas are dying daily from inhumane tortures. The dead bodies were packed by gunny and Rakhines carried away by bamboo pole in every early morning. It is very horrible that none of these Rohingyas prisoners can walk well and stand strait. They

sent messages to their families that they could not be able to back alive and the wounds they got were damaged inner parts of organs."

Rakhine police failed to keep order for the Rohingyas. They became part of the problem. "All Rakhine police should be balanced employing Muslims staff in this department or instead of Rakhine police in Rakhine state, other ethnic policemen should be replaced who would not be biased in the protection and the rule of law in the future.

"In an attempt to control further violence spreading to others, president Thein Sein has issued an emergency order (144) on June 10,2012– benefiting the issue for Rakhine terrorists to arson, killed, torched and threat even in day light on Rohingyas people — in the other hand, the Rakhine state government’s tools such as police and security forces displacing, oppressing, harassing and stopping the food and foodstuff into the Muslim community and freely people’ movement within blocks in Sittwe — reasoning insecurity of Rakhine people while letting Rakhine freely establishing livelihood for their cheerful survival and starving scheme for Rohingya Muslims in one hand — what a double standard dealing and the gratitude of the issuance of (144) by the president who has even been praised for Nobel peace prize in international arena for a additional promotion of carnage—exactly happened after returning back from the United Nations Assembly meeting.

"Rakhine state affairs should be handled by the Union directly because these Rakhine fanatics do not deserve to rule the state, if the affairs put in the hand of Rakhine people, the entire state’s integrity would be tarnished in the sight of the international community again and again, only because of Rakhine people, the fate of the union should not be stained over and over. All Rakhine police should be balanced employing Muslims staff in this department or instead of Rakhine police in Rakhine state, other ethnic policemen should be replaced who would not be biased in the protection and the rule of law in the future."

It is unfortunate that neither Burma, nor Bangladesh understand the long term ambition of these war criminals. To stop the Rakhine province to secede from Burma, Rakhine leadership is right that it is only Rohingyas that can help Burma stay together. It is important to know that Rakhines are only 5% of Burmese population but are 30% in the Burmese army. If they go to jungle, it will be a major challenge for Burma. Also for Bangladesh, research shows, the rebellion in Chittagong Hill Tracts has been instigated largely by the Rakhine separatists. Some innocent looking Rakhine monks were found to carry weapons in Bangladesh. For its internal security it would be good for Bangladesh to monitor these war criminals and their movements within Bangladesh. For the Rohingyas, if the international community ignores the Rohingya killing by the Rakhine leaders, they and the international community must have the right to arrest them and send them to the ICC and stop their criminal bugging in that part of the world. Surely, if timely actions are not taken, there is a price to pay by both Burma and Bangladesh for silence!

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